Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And we're back... again.

Considering I haven't blogged since before THANKSGIVING, I figured I should.

I blame not keeping up with this on the fact that my office, until today has been upstairs, and with three little boys who we don't really let upstairs, it's hard to sneak up there without them wreaking havoc downstairs. So today, while they napped, I unplugged my computer, cleared my desk, and hauled everything downstairs. Then was the challenge, I moved the desk down by myself too. Not as terrible as I thought it would be. Then I cleared a path through the toys, and got the desk where I wanted it, set up the computer, then cleaned the front room. The reason this is the first time my "office" has been set up down here is because our downstairs consists of: our bathroom, kitchen, two bedrooms and a front room. Our front room isn't especially large, but it serves as our dining room, tv room, playroom and now, my "office" as well. We make it work though.

Now, to talk about things that have gone on in the past four or five months.
Not long before Christmas, Ben's grandfather lost his battle with cancer. So we had a pretty rough December. The boys had a pretty crazy awesome Christmas though. They each got a pair of pajamas for Christmas, and everything else was toys! So after Christmas, I had to go buy a new toy storage system, because two toy boxes just aren't enough! January 20th marked their 2nd birthday! We were at least smart enough to request that if anyone bought them anything, to please buy them clothes. We also bought them goldfish. The fish didn't last long. In fact, the first one died the night we brought them home.
We got some unusually nice weather a few times during February, so we played outside, only to be stuck inside again soon after due to snow and wind.
I'm finally to the point where I'm really comfortable taking them around town with me to run errands. They sure think they are pretty big stuff all crammed into one shopping cart riding through the store.
I'm amazed at how verbal they are now. And they're actually saying real words, putting full thoughts together, like "real" sentences!! I'm trying to think of actual things they've said recently, and I'm drawing blanks at the moment. But sometimes they say things and it stuns me. I think, "You're not big enough to know how to say that."
We're making pretty good progress with potty training. I decided that I'm finally ready to really commit the time and energy it takes to potty train 3 boys at once. And today, Ethan made it ALL morning in his big boy undies with no accidents. A little bit before lunch he had an accident, and he was SO upset. It kind of broke my heart a little bit to see him so upset and embarrassed that he peed his pants. I wanted to sit down and cry with him, but at the same time, I was so proud of him. He gets it! He gets that big boys stop what they are doing and go sit on the potty. He gets that everybody doesn't go around in diapers, and everyone isn't going around peeing all over the place. About a week ago, before getting in the bath tub, Marcus pooped in the potty! I got super excited and let out one of those excited squeals for him, unfortunately, it scared him and for a second he thought he was in trouble. I had to give him candy before I convinced him that I was actually very happy that he'd pooped in the potty.

So that's a pretty short version of our life since November. Since I now have all day access to my computer, I hope to be more diligent to my humble little blog.

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